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Omnitrix-s (PG-13 - For mild violence and slight sexual reference)

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Omnitrix-s (PG-13 - For mild violence and slight sexual reference) Empty Omnitrix-s (PG-13 - For mild violence and slight sexual reference)

Post  agentbeast Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:44 am

My Fanfiction centered on the group Omnitrix-s on DeviantArt ( ) including my characters along with other's.
And yours if you'd like Very Happy

So the first part of the fanfiction evolves around the idea that Ben Tennyson is becoming not only extremely busy, but overworked. And so many people on Earth have determined that its hightime that another human is given and Omnitrix, or something similar. And (remembering that this has only happened to one other human as far as the story goes) he goes through the labor of creating hundreds of new ATDs and giving them to numerous people, each pf which are moved to a building which was once a school. They are unknowingly being watched in order for Azmuth to prove his point that Ben was a freak thing, and that there is no way that they are going to be capable of making an additional hero.

First Half:
1 - Introduces main character and secondary
2 - Introduces secondary character
3 - Introduces three secondary characters
4 - Introduces two foes
5 - Shows the aftermath of 4
6 - One bad thing leads to another. Plus foreshadowing.
7 - They all get involved.
8 - Continuation of what happens in 7

So the second half is basically once each of their ATDs are shut down idealy never to be used again, yet still in their possesion, they all attempt to return back to normal life. This half will not be written.

Moving On, though, is a sort of sequel series revolving around most of the same people, but six years later and in the real world. This will not be started until First Half is complete.

Moving on:

Last edited by agentbeast on Thu Feb 24, 2011 1:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Omnitrix-s (PG-13 - For mild violence and slight sexual reference) Empty First Half 1

Post  agentbeast Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:47 am

Omnitrix-s: First Half

Hazel sulked as she stripped from her school uniform and changed into her pajamas. She was a seventeen year old girl her parents couldn't punish her for getting a C in her Algebra 2 class, as if it was her decision to not understand the Math. Besides, changing her curfew to nine o'clock rather than eleven was hardly fair, but at least it was Friday and she'd have the whole weekend before having to attend the school again and she had plenty of ideas on how to spend it. She glanced at her digital clock which read 8:53, she'd need an early start tomorrow if she was going to do everything she'd planned, but first she'd need plenty of rest. Upon sighing she continued readying herself for bed.

Suddenly she was standing in her pajamas in a completely blank room. Looking from side to side she saw absolutely no one and absolutely nothing except for white. If she hadn't looked down and seen herself there she would have thought the room to be empty. The investigation of herself led her to realize that there was some sort of device clamped onto her arm, she watched as a kind of thin medal spread up to her elbow. A small screen near her wrist caught her attention, upon inspection of it she realized that it was as blank as the room.
“Hazel Maroon Amber?” A voice asked, she turned towards it then both jumped back and screamed at the sight of the small Galvan, Azmuth. “Are you Hazel Maroon Amber?” He questioned again once he'd finished rolling his eyes, she nodded obviously still afraid. “I've chosen you to be one of my many new,” he paused looking for the right words, “experiments.”
He waited for her to respond but she still didn't. “The device on your left arm is the prototype of an alien transformation device or ATD and is, or rather will be, titled the Alphatrix.” He continued.
“Alien transformation device?” Hazel asked.
“You'll find out all about it. Besides, you're about to wake up.” Azmuth said.
“You mean this is a dream?” Hazel questioned.
“Of course.” Azmuth said before everything disappeared.

Hazel opened her eyes to greet her bedroom, she stretched and chuckled slightly after recalling her dream. She habitually gathered her clothes and carried them to her bathroom. She groggily turned on the water in the shower, waited until it was warm then undressed and entered the shower. All the while she felt as though she was forgetting something. She vaguely heard her mother scream and her father's voice seconds later, but she thought nothing of it because of her father's usual amount of practical jokes which her mother hated. Though pounding footsteps and the slamming of her bedroom door made her much more curios, and the following breaking of her bathroom door encouraged fear to overcome the curiosity. The shower curtain was pulled back and Hazel screamed when she saw three men dressed in browns, blacks and grays each holding large guns. “Get out the first instructed.” She complied while using her arms to cover her breasts and genitalia, that was when she realized that the Alphatrix, as the alien had called it, was still fitted to her arm. The following instructions consisted of dressing, which was awkward as they watched her the whole time, and walking out of the house. In the street a long, metallic, silver, almost bus like vehicle waited with a U.S. Humvee in the front and the back of it. As ordered she boarded the bus, she looked around at the people all of which appeared to be between the ages of ten and twenty. She moved to the back where a nice and quiet girl whom introduced herself as Bink let her share the seat.
The girl in the seat behind her tapped her on the shoulder hinting for her to turn. “Were you in the shower too?” The short haired girl asked, Hazel nodded.
Nothing much happened on the rest of the ride, it was filled with an eerie silence as people were too afraid to even move. At one point two or three people tried escaping, which only resulted in them being injured and wounded by the armed creeps. Though not very many people caught her attention except for a kid who boarded with blond hair and eyes that glowed, they actually glowed, gold and there was no mistaking the fact that the girl sitting to her left obviously noticed him. The bus didn't stop for a long while as it continued driving and eventually drove into a sort of forest jungle, it stopped outside of two large gates, in which letters were formed from metal that were barely readable because of the ivy that grew over it.
“Cray.” Hazel read aloud as the three men left the front seats and climbed over the gates before continuing to the ancient looking ivy coated building.
One of the kids on the opposing side of the bus noticed a small mural built into the brick wall that attached to the gates and read it aloud. “The Cray Asylum, designated to any and everyone whom happens to be mentally insane. Completely isolated from society and all and any people the study and hopeful curing of the most fascinating people on Earth can continue without disturbance. Dr. Robert Cray.”
The gates opened and a teenager with shaggy brown hair stepped through and onto the bus. He was safely strapped into a straightjacket and his eyes moved around frantically as if he was hoping to study each and every person with his abnormally bloodshot and oddly orange eyes. Slowly he made his way to the back of the bus where he sat alone in the back seat. Hazel looked around and noticed that she wasn't even close to being the only one afraid of him. Suddenly a jolt was sent through each of them causing them to fall unconscious.

Everyone woke up almost all at once and they were outside of what looked like a huge, gray, rubix cube, mansion. One by one they were each allowed off of the bus and ordered to walk to the mansion in a single file line. As each of them entered the mansion each of their ATDs became activated. Azmuth's voice, of which they were each familiar with, started playing across a sort of intercom. “Listen well and carefully, the rules are incredibly simple. This building was originally a school but has been changed for different learning purposes, and there is one simple rule; No leaving. Other than that, there's No classes, no rules, complete and total freedom. Simply help me by using your alien transformation devices.” The crowd was silent and oblivious to the leaving of the soldiers until the doors slammed shut.


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Omnitrix-s (PG-13 - For mild violence and slight sexual reference) Empty First Half 2

Post  agentbeast Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:47 am

Omnitrix-s: First half 2

Hazel walked down the halls with her eyes glued to the hologram being projected from the Alphatrix that was a maze like map of the entire school. A blinking yellow dot marked her position on the magenta concentration of lights. As she moved down the halls a kid bumped into her and murmured an apology but it was ignored as she was being careful not to get lost, again. She noticed a short cut on the map that required cutting through a couple of rooms and instantly darted to her left and through a pair of doors. However, she didn't notice that she'd just walked into the odd school's training arena. Punches and kicks were thrown from one alien to another along with beams, screeches, diamonds, stone, electricity and numerous of other attacks that she was completely oblivious to do to the usual ruckus throughout the school. She was oblivious until she noticed a huge being that was thrown and skipping across the floor like a rock in water about to crush her.
“Wall.” Something or someone whispered, through her closed eyes Hazel saw nothing though.
Eventually she opened her eyes and saw that there was a large somewhat transparent crystal wall between a tall green alien that stood in front of her and the huge pale one that had been thrown. The larger alien stood and then fell over while the bright green numbers on what appeared to be a scoreboard blinked and on one side they fell and on the other they raised. The green alien which had crystal like the wall lining his back turned towards her and appeared to be studying her with all six of his orange eyes.
“Uh, thanks.” Hazel said awkwardly.
“Never been in here before?” The alien questioned, she shook her head no. “Its very simple. The competitors fight and the winner wins a certain amount of OP's depending on what they did to win and how. You just so happened to have walked into a match.” The alien explained.
“What are OP's?” Hazel asked.
“Omnitrix Points. Don't ask me why they're called that, but they're the only sort of payment used in the school. They can get you food, clothes, furniture, books, and much more things including DNA samples of aliens.” The alien replied as he let go of two handles that appeared to have been forged in the crystal wall.
“Neat.” Hazel smiled to the alien, not knowing exactly which aspect of the school she was talking about.
“I'm up next. Are you staying to watch?” He asked.
“Sure, I don't have anything else planned.” Hazel admitted and she was lead over to the bleachers on the side of the gym.
As she sat she heard a voice over some sort of intercom announcing one of the fighters by the name of Jackson Timothy and then it paused while the competitor attempted to make a dramatic entrance.
“I didn't have expected to see you here.” A voice said from her left, she turned and immediately recognized the girl that had addressed herself as Bink only a couple of days ago.
“Yeah, well I didn't have anything to do and figured this might be interesting.” Hazel replied as Bink sat down.
“Well it is this place's pass time.” Bink said.
“Plus, one of the guys that are going to be fighting now saved my life. Or at least saved me from being pancaked.” Hazel responded.
“Who?” Bink questioned.
“Him.” Hazel answered pointing, Bink followed her finger to a green figure whom was hurtling out of the sky and towards the ground, the loud voice announced him to be the next contender, Matt Rattle.
“Do you know who that is?” Bink questioned with widened eyes.
“No.” Hazel admitted as she watched the alien pull to diamonds from his back and then they suddenly burst outward in every direction and formed around him.
“You'll see.” Bink responded as the large crystal shape crashed into the floor of the arena.
Hazel watched intently curious of what the big deal was, the diamond formation suddenly shattered and landed around the human form of the being whom had saved her. It only took a second though for her to recognize the teenager.

<i>The gates opened and a teenager with shaggy brown hair stepped through and onto the bus. He was safely strapped into a straightjacket and his eyes moved around frantically as if he was hoping to study each and every person with his abnormally bloodshot and oddly orange eyes. Slowly he made his way to the back of the bus where he sat alone in the back seat.</i>

“They say that half the time he's invincible, and the the other half he uncontrollably vicious.” Bink said as she studied Hazel's shocked expression.
Hazel didn't respond, she just watched the match. Matt's competition turned into some sort of gray and black patterned being with chains dripping from parts of him, the announcer described the being as a Compesian, and Matt changed into a sort of gray single eyed alien which the announcer described as a Cillitt. The first competitor, Jackson's, transformation charged at Matt's and thrust a chain outward as a mace developed on its end. The spiked ball was sure to hit him directly in the stomach, but when it didn't and the crowd noticed the chain going through one side of his stomach and out the other their was a slight confusion until they realized that he'd used his powers to create a hole in his own stomach that anything could pass through it was met with applause. Matt's alien grabbed that chain and yanked it out through the hole before bending down and opening a whole in the floor. He hopped into the newly formed hole that closed behind him just in time for the chain equipped opponent to look stupid as he struck the ground with several chain whips. A hole opened in the ground behind Jackson's alien form and Matt hopped from it still as the Cillitt and ignored the single chains that were being shot in his direction, as he fell he slammed the ATD that was placed on his chest, in a small flash he was a relatively short being with numerous circles equipped all around his body, the announcer anounced him to be a Portellop. Jackson's chain alien was sick of using futile attacks and his arms separated into numerous chains then shot forward at Matt's alien. Only a foot away from Matt they all grew a spear like tip on there ends and Matt smiled and didn't move except to arrange himself in a certain way. Each of the chains were sucked into the circles on his body and shot outward back at the Compesian piercing his body in a multitude of places. Matt's Portellop form slapped the sign of his ATD and became a large red and purple headless alien that was soon identified as an Eneyflowent-scents. He jumped onto the Compesian then picked him up and charged him head first into the wall then the floor. Both contenders reverted back to their human forms, Matt with beads of sweat dripping from his body and a slightly hidden crazed look in his eyes, and Jackson bleeding from numerous wounds.
“Wow.” Hazel murmured.


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Omnitrix-s (PG-13 - For mild violence and slight sexual reference) Empty First Half Part 3

Post  agentbeast Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:48 am

Omnitrix-s: First half 3

Hazel stepped out of the shower in the bathroom connected to her dorm, she dried herself and dressed herself almost completely but before she put her shirt on she heard footsteps behind her. She turned to see a girl that she'd never seen in her life walking towards her.
“Who are you?” Hazel questioned.
“I'm Melody, but that doesn't matter.” She responded. “I'm here to talk about Matt.”
“Um, okay.” Hazel replied slightly confused.
“He's all mine, stay away from him.” Melody ordered her.
“You think I'm into Matt?” Hazel almost laughed.
“You don't think I saw you flirting with him in the arena? We all saw you!” Melody glared back.
“No, I don't think you understand, he saved me and-” Hazel tried explaining before Melody interrupted.
“I don't care! You stay away from him or else!” Melody threatened a second before a nine foot tall blue alien crashed through the wall.
Hazel screamed and covered her head whereas Melody stood there apparently unfazed. A metallic silver alien with blue energy being projected from its feet flew into the room and while he was above the blue alien hit his ATD in order to change into a pink clothed, gray skinned alien with unusually large fists. Screams were heard from any of the near rooms or halls as it was obvious that this could quickly become a murder, involving anyone of them. The alien started to pound on the larger aliens face with its giant hands and didn't stop even with the streams of blood and the possible snapping of bones. Hazel watched in horror at the sudden fight and couldn't ignore Melody whom was watching intently and laughing to herself. The nine foot tall alien was suddenly struggling to stand so the other started beating him more and harder. But suddenly a being clothed with silver and black but with brown skin jumped through the huge opening in Hazel's dorm and tackled the gray skinned alien to the other side of the bathroom. When he stood it became obvious that the two were of the same species.
“How'd you get Fisticuffs!?” The original of the two demanded.
“Coincidence. Traded some OPs for him after my last fight, and I call him Ruckus.” The second shrugged.
“He looks much better on you.” Melody said to Ruckus while taking a couple steps closer to them both.
Ruckus hit the ATD device on the others', apparently Fisticuffs', chest and then his own. Ruckus became Matt Rattle as Fisticuffs became yet another easily recognizable person from their bus ride.

<i>Though not very many people caught her attention except for a kid who boarded with blond hair and eyes that glowed, they actually glowed, gold and there was no mistaking the fact that the girl sitting to her left obviously noticed him.</i>

“You can't spontaneously go around killing people.” Matt reprimanded.
“Than what's your excuse!?” The blond yelled.
“What you did and what I do are completely different!” Matt retorted angrily.
“How do you figure?” The other kid questioned then smirked at Matt's hesitation.
“Are you alright?” Matt questioned looking at Hazel, Hazel nodded in return and Matt studied her for a second before continuing. “Do you have anywhere else to stay?”
“Yes, she does.” Bink's voice said from the hole in the wall and in less then a minute she stood at Hazel's side.
A few students entered and Matt ordered them to take the alien which the blonde kid had identified as Behemoth to the medical center. He continued questioning random people and arguing with the blonde kid.
“Hazel,” Bink whispered, “Put your shirt on.” Hazel suddenly remembered that she'd been standing there that whole time while wearing nothing above her waist except for a bra, she blushed and immediately pulled her long sleeved, orange shirt on over her head.
“Good, now get your stuff.” Bink ordered.
“Why, where are we going?” Hazel questioned as he face paled back to its normal state.
“My dorm, you can stay there with me. I mean, at least until this place is fixed.” Bink explained as she filled her hands with some of Hazel's items.

The door to Bink's apartment projected a beam which hit her ATD and scanned it all over, the beam startled Hazel but Bink was perfectly fine with it. “My roommate.” Bink started saying as the door opened itself and the two walked into the dorm. “She was afraid that some creeps or weirdos that she would get in so installed the lock on the door.”
“Oh, where is she?” Hazel questioned.
“She moved out.” Bink answered while she started to put Hazel's things in their respective places.
“Why?” Hazel asked.
“In her exact words?” Bink asked.
“Sure.” Hazel clarified, Bink stopped and faced Hazel.
“She doesn't like freaking weirdos.” Bink said.
“Oh.” Hazel responded awkwardly, fortunately there was a knock on the door which she spun around to open.
“I wanted to apologize for what I did to your dorm.” The blonde kid from the bus and the fight said allowing his eyes to wander and meet Bink's behind her.
“Um, its okay. I guess.” Hazel smiled uncomfortably.
“Well, I'm Grant.” The fifteen year old smiled, whether the smile was for her or Bink though she didn't know.


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Omnitrix-s (PG-13 - For mild violence and slight sexual reference) Empty First Half Part 4

Post  agentbeast Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:52 am

Omnitrix-s: First Half 4

“That's cool, your like some sort of freelance cop.” Grant said to Matt as they, followed by Hazel and Bink, walked to the lunchroom.
“Not really, but some people go crazy with power when they get the right enough.” Matt replied obviously referring to Grant.
“Point taken.” Grant sighed. “But you aren't one to talk. About the crazy part that is.”
“I've actually been wondering about that.” Bink interrupted. “Your reputation and the whole asylum thing implies that you're insane, but I haven't seen you act insane or at least as insane as you're rumored to be. With the exception of your fighting.”
“I've practiced keeping it contained. In fact I'm completely insane at the moment, just not in the way you might expect. But about half of the time I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face, plus wouldn't hesitate to kill any of you.” Matt's statement encouraged their silence. “I try to stay away from people when that happens, like at night people have heard me laughing maniacally from my dorm, but eventually I'll stop getting so lucky, and when that happens the same thing' will happen to everyone else.”
“Hence the whole, half the time you're invincible and the other half your uncontrollably vicious, thing?” Bink questioned.
“Yeah.” Matt said just as they stopped outside of the cafeteria. “Looks like I'll see you three later.”
“Don't go getting yourself beat-up.” Hazel teased slightly.
“Me? Beat up? And I'm the crazy one.” Matt smirked a bit.
“Somebody's a little cocky.” Bink mentioned humorously.
“When half the time you're invincible, and the other half your uncontrollably vicious you can be as cocky as you want.” Matt replied before turning and walking down a different stretch of the hall.

Matt sneaked up to the dorm of an unknown student, he put his ear to the door in order to clarify to himself that it was the right people in the right room. An acquaintance of his, by the name of Eric Naman, had tipped him off that two students had started making and selling some sort of homemade drug, and though he didn't know exactly who he was ready to find out. Habitually he activated his ATD and upon becoming a five eyed yellow glob oozed under the door. Unexpectedly though am eighteen or so year old was standing there ready and hit the ATD symbol on Matt's yellow goo form.
“Matt, you kept us waiting.” Another guys voice said from the now human Matt's left side, he turned only to realize that it was Eric Naman, Matt exhaled deeply. “You came to investigate our little boost have you? We expected that you would, but better yet, we took advantage of it.”
“So now what?” Matt questioned while attempting to reach for his ATD.
“That won't be necessary, you'll be aloud to activate that once we're ready. But ultimately, we need to test our boost, which we've named Ounce.” Eric responded before holding up a syringe filled with orange liquid.
“You know, in case you were curious.” The one to Matt's right added.
“I get it. You inject your boost into me, and if it works I complete your research and if it doesn't I die.” Matt said.
“Wrong again.” Eric smirked. “We know it works, you are here to tell us how well it works.” The needle was handed from Eric to the teenager on the right. Matt prepared for the jabbing of the needle but instead he was surprised by the yelling of the one who'd taken the needle, he turned in time to see him grow about a foot taller and watched while the muscles in his arms double, tripled, and continued growing until was much too large to even fit through the door.
“Crap.” Matt muttered and they both activated their ATDs.

The whole cafeteria was on its feet and running out into the hall at the sound of an enormous crash. Grant managed to pull Bink who was pulling Hazel through the crowd in time to see Matt's alien green diamond patterned alien form, which he'd nicknamed Crystell, ducking behind a wall of crystal. It took half a second for an enormous lime green alien with six huge arms and an abnormally strong everything else to shatter the wall and pick up Matt's alien by the leg and begin flailing him around shattering all of the crystals in his body along with possibly a few bones. The crowd, with the exception of Hazel, Grant and Bink, scattered when the six armed alien turned towards them who had to because he flung Matt whom was still green and yet much less crystal coated. The three watched Matt go through about four walls, when they turned back the six armed alien was no where to be seen so they followed trail of rubble to Matt whom was no longer in an alien form.
“What happened to being invincible and uncontrollably vicious?” Grant tried to joke.
“Didn't I say that I was going to stop getting so lucky?” Matt smirked while trying to ignore his numerous wounds, half of which were gushing blood.


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Omnitrix-s (PG-13 - For mild violence and slight sexual reference) Empty First Half Part 5

Post  agentbeast Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:53 am

Omnitrix-s: First half 5

Hazel avoided one of the Doc-bots as they were nicknamed whom was speeding down the Medical wing which was a simple extension of the Medical Center, for those with more severe injuries. She pulled open one of the two huge glass doors to the area where one of her newer friends was being held, she continued down a shorter hall and peeked through a curtain in order to be sure that that was where he was. Behind the curtain she saw Matt lying in his bed with a couple bruises on his face, but other than that nothing out of the ordinary. In order to see who he was talking to though she had to open the curtain more and this caught the attention of both Matt and Melody which was who he'd been talking to. Melody glared at her and Matt simply rolled his eyes.
“So can you get that for me?” Matt asked Melody.
“Of course, I can have it for you in less than an hour.” Melody responded with a smirk, she stood then turned towards Hazel with yet another glare and left.
Hazel gave Matt a questioning expression which he responded to with, “She's getting me some Ounce.”
“Your going to use their steroid?” Hazel questioned trying to hide her immediate concern.
“No. I was hoping we might be able to find out what was in it.” Matt explained.
“Do you have any idea what might be?” Hazel asked/
“No I-” He started saying but paused. “The second he injected it into himself, his pupils, for a split second, turned orange.”
“I don't understand.” She admitted.
“My eyes used to be blue. But four years ago I encountered a group of aliens who ended up accidentally introducing me to some sort of crystal, it caused me to fall unconscious and while I was unconscious they effected my brain. They emphasized a number of my traits in that short period of time until I awoke and the process was not complete. I was granted, or rather cursed, with a split personality. Two insane halves.” He explained.
“So you think that, those crystals are in Ounce?” Hazel asked slightly confused.
“Those crystals are how my eyes turned orange.” He confirmed. “Now I need you to do me a favor.”
“What?” Hazel questioned.
“I need you to find Melody and tell her to do something for me.” Matt said.
“Oh, great.” Hazel sighed.

“Melody!” Hazel hissed while she leaned against the door to her dorm.
Finally the door opened and a boy with apparently purple eyes and a matching shirt left the room leaving Melody to stand in the doorway with her hand on her hip. “What do you want?”
“Matt thinks he knows what's in Ounce.” Hazel explained.
“What?” Melody sneered.
“Hypradense crystal.” Hazel said.
“You know,” Melody said after thinking for a second. “He might be onto something. I'll check it out when I get the Ounce.”
“You don't have it? What are you doing then?” Hazel probed.
“Chill out, Mack, the guy who just left, is getting it for me.” Melody explained.
“Why aren't you?” Hazel continued bothering her.
“Because Eric is a pervert, there's only one way that a girl can get Ounce from him.” Melody explained, more. “But I still hate you, so bye.” She added before slamming the door in Hazel's face.

Hazel sat with Matt in the Medical wing for lack of anything better to do. Soon Melody, followed by the kid whom was apparently called Mack, appeared there with them. “You were right.” Melody admitted.
“The crystal?” Matt questioned eagerly.
“Yeah, with a little something extra added depending on which Ounce you want.” Mack explained.
“Who's this? And what does he mean by which Ounce, there's more than one kind?” Matt asked.
“He's Mackenzie Granger, and they have one for everything you could think off. Anything from Mind Control to X-Ray vision, and adding.” Melody explained.
“Its Mack.” Mack was eager to clarify.
The was a crashing outside of the Medical wing and less then a second later Bink entered with a somewhat horrified expression. She signaled for them to all come and see, they each complied.

Outside of the wing a large brown creature with two arms and wings was pinned to a wall. “You can't brain wash me, it just isn't gonna happen!” The opposing creature was none other than the one who had sent Matt to the medical wing in the first place.
“I'm done trying that, if you can't be forced to join us, you'll just have to regret not joining us.” The other alien said as it shook the brown insect from its arm and shoved the needle of a syringe into the bug like alien's head. In an instant he was reverting back to his human form and the other alien literally disappeared in a flash of light.
“Are you alright?” Bink asked as she helped him up.
“Maybe.” The 16 year old replied.
“What's your name?” Mack asked.
“Tyson” The teenager replied somewhat mesmerized as he watched his left hand split into a number of small bugs that crawled the rest of the length down his arm.


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Omnitrix-s (PG-13 - For mild violence and slight sexual reference) Empty First Half Part 6

Post  agentbeast Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:54 am

Omnitrix-s: First half 6

Hazel sat on Matt's bed which had been pushed up against the wall along with all of the other furniture in order to create a make shift training alcove. To her left Bink leaned against the wall resting from her training session, she made a few odd noises that Hazel pretended not to hear. Melody sat cross-legged more towards the front then the rest of them as she stared intently at Matt. Matt was to busy practicing his attempts of overkill on a robotic enemy to notice or care. Tyson was in the process of using learning how to use a portion of his alien's powers without having to activate his ATD. Whereas Grant and Mack were in the middle of wrestling because Grant decided to insult Mack one to many times.
They were all thinking same thing, well, except for maybe Mack and Grant who wanted to kill each other, but they all had been thinking relatively the same thing. Its gotten bad, and it'll take a lot before it gets better. Really that's the only reason that they're all gathered there. Apparently they'd struck a nerve, one of Eric's and so he naturally wanted to make sure that it wasn't about to happen again. What all of them did they weren't sure, but with his rightful servants scouring the school for rightful opportunities to either kill those opposing them or abduct new additions to their ever expanding faction which overtime began to be known as Reign.
“This place is out of control.” Hazel sighed.
“Duh.” Melody replied.
“I guess that makes us a failed experiment?” Bink thought out loud.
Melody spun around on the bed. “A failed experiment? We were nothing but freaking lab rats!”
“There's still hope for us though.” Hazel tried, but her comment was met with anger by Melody causing Bink to take Hazels side. Their argument spread involving both Grant and Mack who only spent a second in it before they were wrestling again, but this time also engaged in a battle of insults.
The argument interrupted Matt's train of thought, which revolved around theories which consisted of curing his insanity. He returned to his human form abnormally agitated. “Shut the hell up! All of you!” He'd yelled, they were silent. “Yes, they're winning and yes we're losing!”
The entire group stared at him somewhat in shock. “I don't like losing.” He growled. “I'm going to the arena.” He said before leaving the room.
There was some muttering about them until they agreed to separate, Bink and Hazel agreed that they were sticking together for safety and they offered to Melody whom obviously declined, rudely. Mack and Tyson were also sticking together as Tyson was still a bit confused about what the steroid had done to him. Melody wouldn't want to stick with him so Grant didn't bother offering and went off on his own.

Matt was eager for his match, or perhaps more nervous than angry. He'd taken a break so that he could heal completely and even though he felt normal earlier, he now felt as if this was his very first time fighting. Upon hearing himself being announced he stepped into the arena and slammed down on his ATD in order to transform into a sixty foot tall yellow alien.

Tyson and Mack were leaving the cafeteria when they spotted Grant roaming the halls. They at first payed no attention to him, but they spotted a purple crystal coated alien with both hands in the form of spears following Grant with a menacing smile. Tyson winced slightly as electricity suddenly started rising from both shoulder blades, gradually they grew into electric wings.

Matt's opponent stepped into the arena and the crowd filled bleachers cheered. Ronald Arga was his name according to the the announcement. Matt recognized him easily as Eric's partner, he injected ounce into each of his arms and the crowd roared louder as the steroid made his arms and legs several times stronger and longer, he was 10 feet tall when it was done. Then he activated his ATD.

The purple alien drew his arm back and thrust it forward, but Tyson had been quick enough to shove Grant to the ground. As the electric wings shrunk back into Tyson's back spiral horns grew on the side of his head whereas similar substance grew into bulges on his forearms and shoulders. He hit the purple crystal being several times with them but all it did was cause him to stumble back a bit. The crystalline alien randomly combusted and the fire spread completely over his body, it struck several times while Tyson was busy shedding his horns and such.

Ronald became a hundred foot tall alien with enormous muscles everywhere on his body, his head brushed against the ceiling. Matt didn't stand a chance as a sixty foot duplicating alien, he hit his own ATD and became a tan being with large pincers as hands and three eyes. He ran and in the blink of an eye he was swatted across the room into the bleachers. Matt hit his ATD device.

Tyson's forearms began growing subtle red hair and his own hair was tinted red. He opened his mouth revealing that he had two upper and two lower fang like teeth along with smaller molar like teeth. From his mouth an inaudible screech sent sound waves at the being which caused him to stagger backwards and most of his fire to go out for a second.

Matt now became his alien which he'd nicknamed Ruckus and jumped from the stands back to the center of the arena. He punched the ground the floor cracked open and created a fissure to spread towards his opponent. Ronald's alien form grabbed the ground on either side of the fissure and pulled the ground back together, then punted Ruckus into the other bleachers clearing the room of any spectators.

Tyson performed his sound wave attack a second time, only this time much stronger. The alien was launched back into a wall and as he continued to suffer from the sound cracks appeared all over his body and there wasn't a flame in sight. Once Tyson finally stopped the alien being reverted back to his human form, revealing that he was Jon, the same alien that Grant had beaten up days earlier. He managed to stand and at first limped but then sprinted down the labyrinth of halls.
“Are you okay?” Grant asked Tyson.
“Better than okay. I think I understand how to use my powers without turning into an alien completely.” Tyson responded.
“Good, now lets find the others and hope that they aren't in trouble.” Mack suggested.

Jon knocked on the door of a dorm, Eric appeared in front of him. “I changed my mind, I'd like to take you up on that offer.” He'd said, Eric simply grinned and gestured for him to enter the room.

“Bring her to us!” Ronald commanded Matt whom was tied to a beam.
“I don't know what you're talking about.” Matt responded.
Ronald got angry and delivered a couple punches to his face before repeating his first order.


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Omnitrix-s (PG-13 - For mild violence and slight sexual reference) Empty First Half Part 7

Post  agentbeast Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:55 am

Omnitrix-s: First Half 7

Hazel wandered the room for a second wondering what was missing, something was for sure. Matt's room still looked like a make shift training room, and the bed was still against the wall. On the bed sat Grant, Mack and Tyson. Melody burst into the room, looked around for a second and questioned. “Where's Matt!?”

Melody lead the way through what was apparently the equivalent to the schools basement in the form of an orange, two headed lizard like creature whom she apparently had nicknamed Fear Itself. It was a bit spooky as it was very dark and most of the halls seemed untouched to everyone except for Melody.
“How do we know that you aren't just getting us lost?” Mack complained once they'd been walking in the dark for around half an hour.
Melody, in her alien form, spun around to face him with her face in his. “Don't doubt me, I could snap every bone in your body in less than a minute.” She threatened before continuing to lead the way to Matt.
“This is sorta scary.” Bink announced, Melody scoffed and muttered something about her being a coward.
Not a minute later they each heard Bink scream, they each turned to talk to her but she was nowhere to be seen. They hollered out a couple times but eventually kept moving hoping that they'd run into each other again. To help illuminate the path some Tyson grew electric wings from his back and they continued. Someone yelled and they again, all turned, Mack was gone.
“Still think that this isn't scary?” Grant questioned Melody.
One of her heads turned and faced him. “Shush!” She insisted angrily.
It got darker, pitch black. “Tyson, what's up with your wings?” There was no reply.
“And then there were three.” Hazel mumbled.
“Melody, where do we go now?” Grant asked, no reply.
Hazel activated her ATD and was surprised that it supplied enough purple light to illuminate the wall for several feet in every direction. She was discouraged when she realized that there was a three way fork ahead of them. Grant activated his ATD and hit it before becoming a large bat with flame patterned wings.
“Which way are you going?” He asked her.
“We're splitting up?” Hazel asked.
“I don't think we can do anything else.” Grant confirmed.
“Right, well then I'll go this way.” Hazel said pointing all the way to the right.
“See ya then.” Grant said optimistically before stepping towards the hall all the way to the right, Hazel approached her hall. “Hazel, you might want to turn into an alien.” Grant suggested.
“Right.” Hazel muttered, she selected any random being on her ATD before becoming it. Once the purple flash subsided she was a fifteen foot tall whit alien with numerous blue markings covering her body. At first she was scared as even though she'd had the Alphatrix for a little while, she'd never become an alien. Since she couldn't see she was feeling along the walls in order to find her way. It didn't take long though for her to get used to moving and acting as the alien. Finally she saw a small amount of light, she followed it into a room.
The room had walls of brick but lining the walls and filling most of the room there were numerous containers of orange liquid. She assumed it was Ounce, upon a small amount of investigation she realized that Matt was tied to a pole at the back of the room. When she ran to the back of the room though she heard someone behind her.
“Well it's about time.” Eric said from near the door, Hazel's alien form turned towards him. “You don't even know what you are capable of do you?” He continued. “Nobody knew, nobody except for me, and Matt.”
“What are you talking about?” Hazel demanded not recognizing her own voice.
“That ATD of yours, its called the Alphatrix for a reason. Its one of the most powerful ATDs ever created, every alien stored anywhere in it is pure power.” Eric stated blankly. “And you don't know how to use a single one of them. It figures, it really does. That idiot Azmuth creates the most powerful device <i>ever</i> , even more powerful than the supposed <i>Omnitrix</i> , and the girl who receives it is to stupid to use it.”
“I am not.” Hazel muttered.
Eric laughed before ordering, “Retrieve her friends.”
“My friends?” Hazel questioned.
Grant, Mack, Bink, Tyson and Melody each appeared bleeding and bruised in a multitude of places. Each of them had a member of Reign holding onto them from behind, and the ones behind Grant, Mack, Bink and Melody brought a syringe to their right temples. The one behind Tyson pressed a button on a device in his hand. The five of them fell to the ground.
“You see, Ounce has given us a way to be able to manipulate people completely. Even those whose minds are more machine than they'd like to think.” Eric announced.
They each stood drooling slightly and their eyes glowing a blank orange, they each activated their ATDs. Bink was suddenly a legless being made up of numerous layers of rock, Mack became an alien which was appeared to by like a living punching bag, Grant became a scrawny and vine-wrapped alien, Melody turned into a pale blue alien with large legs and sharp claws, whereas Tyson's skin grew tinted green and yellow while he became skinnier and more agile plus three spikes sprouted from both of his forearms. They all stalked towards Hazel, at first slowly like a herd of walking dead, but soon sped up to their normal pace or in some cases faster.
The best that Hazel could do was try to block and dodge their attacks but plenty made contact, and though none of them were sever enough of them could be. Melody's alien form was running in circles apparently just trying to tear off her skin, while Grant's was tying her in vines and Tyson was helping Melody with the tearing effort. Mack's form was basically only holding Hazel still and Bink's was trying to strangle her.


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